Sunday, November 2, 2008

11AM Worship Service

Today our worship was interrupted by the Holy Spirit for prayer over areas of Indian and Israel. We had the sense that there were several battle fronts in the spirit realm that required our input at that moment.

There was also the sense of an alignment that needs to be prayed through for the Caribbean. Alignment in the natural that brings spiritual alignment also. The Caribbean, said the Lord, would be a key launching point for ministry into SA and NA.

There was a significant sense of warring or significant activity in the spirit realm over the United States, some specific areas in particular but we were not instructed to pray over these issues.

"This season brings the beginning of the realignment of World Powers, the influence of some will increase and others will decrease. What has been the child will take on the role of a parent, what has been a colony will lead the colonizer, he who has been the slave begins to lead. There is a shifting in the atmosphere and change comes for the prophetic word must be fulfilled."


Gwen said...

There is an alignment of the nations coming and already in process!!! It's not only people being launched into their positions but the positioning of nations.
As we've prayed over the last two years, there is more of a connection with India and the force that will move down from the north.
As the hook is being drawn there will be an aligning of this nation that once was the colony and it will become the ...
You see somethings must come into alignment for the 'sake of that nation'.
All nations including MINE must be positioned to bless 'that nation'. If not ...
hmmm, positioned, aligned and then moved to where HE desires us to be.

Gwen said...

I know that we will again be praying for those things that are transpiring in the heavenlies for these two nations. The hook and those that align with that nation would simply amaze people if they only knew the entire story. Martha and I will obey as we 'go'. This appears to be such a 'natural delegation' with the teaching project. But you see there is a deeper call and a deeper need to be on the soil of this nation. End time things for Him.