Monday, March 24, 2014

Lessons of Faith 14: "A Telling Christian Relationship, Naila and Sharon Ricketts"

Lessons of Faith 14: "A Telling Christian Relationship, Naila and Sharon Ricketts"

I came in late this morning from an all night prayer event in Kingston and while driving my heart was pondering one event of the evening and several encounters with my Brother Rev. Naila Ricketts and his wife Sharon.

Last night as I walked into the Sanctuary of Tarrant Baptist Church I noted Sister Sharon busy ensuring that guests were met, properly greeted, seated and I'm sure doing a myriad of other things within her portfolio of responsibility that evening.

As I have watched these two for the several years that I have known them, I have never seen an offensive gesture between them, I've never heard a terse or angry word exchanged, and I Have not sensed any degree of competition.

What I have perceived is a loving, loyal, respectful Abraham and Sarah like relationship that speaks volumes to us in the body of Christ. I watched last night as Sister Sharon led two periods of praise and worship and each time was so synchronized with Brother Ricketts and it was obvious she wanted to be and was not just acting so out of coercion or dogmatic authority. She would glance in his direction for his next cue to continue or adjust.

Brother Naila depends on her, leans on her, and has an undeniable love and affection for her that he does not offer to another. The Apostle Paul's writing about the man and his wife in the book of Ephesians is embodied in this marriage that I have observed for the past few years. I know, by way of testimony in meetings, not divine revelation, of some of the challenges they both faced when my brother left his secular business, the financial hardships and devil crafted devices that came against them. With all of the storms, he testifies of the resilience, support and encouragement that Sister Sharon gave him during those seasons of significant change In their life's direction and purpose. She wanted what God wanted and that's and amazing woman.

I must also note how she moves in the shadows, she has not received, at least publicly, the same accolades as he does but I don't perceive her ever saying "what about me?" Without the second string no musical instrument offers its greatest potential only a cacophony of sounds. What a pleasing rhythm is created when they work well together! I could say much more from my observations at conventions and in their office, but I believe these few words sufficient In sharing my observations this morning.

Brother Naila, I admire the example you portray as a minister of the sanctuary and as a husband. Sister Sharon, undoubtably a woman that is the personification of a submitted heart toward The Lord and her husband. May The Lord continue to bless your union and your ministry.

I chose this forum to share my experience with this couple for many see the opposite in some Christian relationships. May God continue to open our eyes.

Pastor Winston

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