Saturday, January 3, 2009

An Unusual Dream - January 3, 2009

Oral Roberts
I was at a place where it seems that there was a meeting with Oral Roberts. At one point the meeting was over and Brother Roberts begain to walk back to his office. He was ushered into a nice reception area and dissapeared into his office.

It one point I was walking with him and either either spoke directly to me or touched me.

I go to the same door but someone stoped me and took me through another, before he let me in he checked to see if I had any weapons and the allow me into the building. I took the same, "elevator" that Brother Roberts was to have taken (I gather) and began to move through the air. I had never seen an elevator like that, it was for only one person and moved throught the air with apparently no cables or connections.

I could see the terrain as I moved and then it came to a stop.

The Healing
I walked for a minute and then entered what seemed to be a nursing home. The first room had a nurse and it seemed like several patients but I realized there were two.

I walked up to the first man who was suffering from what seemed like a breathing problem and laid my hand on his chest and said that rise in the name of Jesus and he was instantly healed. Then I went to the other man who had a similar issue and was not convinced that God could heal him.

I prayed and he was instantly healed but still didn't really believe. Somehow I fastforwarded to see or understand that he went to his Doctor who confirmed that he was healed. I think he then believed but I had moved on.

The Airline Flight
I was with a group of people that I do not remember, we went out to eat at a restaurant and then we went to take an Air Jamaica flight. When we go there a lot of people were already there. Some people, a small group took too long to come up to the reception are and so they were told there would be an extra charge to take them to the airport, the early arrivals were free.

When they got to the place to be checked was a row of seats with the the last set of about 12 people who were to be boarded. This new group came up and almost got to be checked before the seated group, as I stood aside, I either said it, thought it and and it was commuicated that it was not right for them to be put ahead of the others... I then think they were placed in the appropriate order.

Eating Place
The place we ate was a unusual environment, at first we could not find a seat for the group of about 4-6. I made a place available and sat comfortable in a corner when a man, the manager or supervisor of the restaurant came up and asked if I didn't know that that was his home. I said no, and moved away from the area and asked him if that was ok. I think he said yes but it ended the scene.

I noticed the meal was pizza, the biggest slices of pizza I had ever seen. I don't recall actually eating but did notice that there were several people in the area seated at tables. Some leaving and some coming in.

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