Thursday, October 30, 2008

Being with Jesus

I have not been physically feeling up to par these past few days and I do recognize what was the genesis of my physical problem. However, I have noticed that each time these episodes of physical challenges occur, I become more aware of the voice of the Lord speaking.

It is apparent that I am not paying close attention to him in other situations and only when I get quiet, is he able to speak and have me listen. Now, don't misunderstand my position, I opened the door for each episode by my own action. But it is obvious to me that the Lord takes advantage of them to reign me in, in several ways.

A particular scripture has come alive to me that I have read many times but it seems that I have just received a revelation of its true sense.

Acts 4:13 TLB "When the Council saw the boldness of Peter and John and could see that they were obviously uneducated non-professionals, they were amazed and realized what being with Jesus had done for them!"

I realized something, that I should have already known, the very essence of Jesus, his character, his life, his vision, his power, everything that he is is communicated to us when we spend time with him. Fellowship with him is essential to growing and experiencing the gravity and expression of the apostolic power that the early church demonstrated.

As I have met and looked at men, my contemporaries, that flow in the miraculous and great signs and wonders, one thing stands out. Fellowship with JESUS CHRIST. Without our continuous fellowship, we lose something.

We become benign Christians, having a form of godliness but denying the very power of God by not maintaining our constant fellowship. We believe that there is within us a great move of God underway, we have surrendered ourself for God's use and we expect notable miracles to be the evidence of his presence in our ministry. The greatest expectation, the life tranforming experience of the new believer, we believe that the complacency and faithlessness of many will change because of this new season of seeking the presence of God.

We believe that "times of refreshing are coming from the presence of God," it has begun and continues as we pursue Christ.


Pastor Watson

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